Khurem Farooq, Aiolos Bio CEO

Aio­los Bio launch­es with $245M Se­ries A, chas­ing one of asth­ma’s hottest tar­gets

Two Genen­tech vets have land­ed one of biotech’s largest Se­ries A rounds of 2023 as they launch Aio­los Bio to ad­vance an asth­ma drug in-li­censed from Chi­na.

Aio­los Bio on Tues­day an­nounced a $245 mil­lion round, which ranks as one of the in­dus­try’s largest Se­ries A rais­es in 2023. The start­up ex­pects to be­gin a Phase II asth­ma study next year for its sole drug can­di­date, an an­ti-TSLP an­ti­body.

Aio­los CEO Khurem Fa­rooq and fel­low co-founder An­tho­ny Adamis pre­vi­ous­ly worked side-by-side at Genen­tech, re­spec­tive­ly over­see­ing the com­mer­cial and de­vel­op­ment teams for the biotech’s im­munol­o­gy and oph­thal­mol­o­gy work. Fa­rooq most re­cent­ly ran Gy­ro­scope Ther­a­peu­tics, which No­var­tis agreed to ac­quire in De­cem­ber 2021.

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