Akcea’s top 3 C-suite ex­ecs are chopped out as Io­n­is sends in an in­ter­im quar­ter­back from their bench

The top 3 ex­ecs run­ning Io­n­is’ ma­jor­i­ty-owned spin­off Akcea are hit­ting the ex­it in a sur­prise twist Mon­day morn­ing.

Akcea $AK­CA re­port­ed this morn­ing that CEO Paula Soteropou­los, Pres­i­dent Sarah Boyce and COO Jef­frey Gold­berg are out in a clean sweep. The board has placed Damien McDe­vitt — the chief busi­ness of­fi­cer on the moth­er ship — in the in­ter­im chief ex­ec­u­tive spot as they hunt for some per­ma­nent re­place­ments. Michael J. Yang and Joseph ‘Skip’ Klein III, mean­while have joined the com­pa­ny’s board of di­rec­tors,

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