Alex­ion hit by sur­prise in­ter partes re­view as Am­gen chal­lenges Soliris patents

Am­gen is com­ing for Alex­ion — but not in the form of a ru­mored, and large­ly dis­pelled, takeover.

Rather, the US Patent Tri­als Ap­peal Board (PT­AB) has agreed to con­duct an in­ter partes re­view on Alex­ion’s Soliris. Am­gen, which is push­ing a biosim­i­lar to the com­ple­ment in­hibitor, filed the IPR in an ef­fort to over­turn patents on the com­po­si­tion eculizum­ab (the ac­tive in­gre­di­ent in Soliris), its for­mu­la­tion, and its use to treat cer­tain dis­eases, in­clud­ing the key in­di­ca­tion of parox­ys­mal noc­tur­nal he­mo­glo­bin­uria.

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