Alk­er­mes touts equal ef­fi­ca­cy of month­ly Viv­it­rol against dai­ly Sub­ox­one

A new study com­par­ing two of the main drugs treat­ing opi­oid ad­dic­tion found that the med­i­cines worked sim­i­lar­ly in help­ing pa­tients quit hero­in and oth­er opi­oids.

That’s in­ter­est­ing news con­sid­er­ing the brand­ing bat­tle be­tween the two drug mak­ers, whose fierce (and some­times ug­ly) com­pe­ti­tion has drawn the at­ten­tion of politi­cians and re­porters at The New York Times.

The new study, pub­lished in The Lancet, com­pared In­di­v­ior’s drug Sub­ox­one with Alk­er­mes’ Viv­it­rol in an ex­per­i­ment with 570 adults.

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