Ashley Dombkowski, Alladapt CEO

Al­ladapt gets $100M+ to see its all-in-one oral im­munother­a­py al­ler­gy drug through clin­i­cal tri­als

Most food al­ler­gy care in­volves avoid­ance — check­ing in­gre­di­ent la­bels, no peanut ta­bles in schools, and so on. How­ev­er, that par­a­digm has been shift­ing with oral im­munother­a­pies, or OITs for short, in which pa­tients pur­pose­ly eat a bit of their al­ler­gen in the form of a mod­i­fied pro­tein in hopes of train­ing their im­mune sys­tem to tol­er­ate it.

Al­ladapt Im­munother­a­peu­tics is cre­at­ing a sin­gle OIT for all ma­jor IgE-me­di­at­ed food al­ler­gies — “what we call the big nine,” as Al­ladapt CEO Ash­ley Dom­bkows­ki said — for milk, eggs, wheat, fish, shell­fish, peanuts, tree nuts, soy and sesame. Now, the biotech has $119 mil­lion to push that drug through clin­i­cal tri­als.

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