Al­ler­gan shows how you can de­stroy your rep and get mobbed by law­mak­ers in 4 easy steps

The view from End­points

First came the on­slaught of me­dia re­ports. Then came the out­raged let­ter from the US Sen­a­tors fol­lowed by the launch of a House probe and a bi­par­ti­san de­mand for doc­u­ments. Now, a few weeks in, comes the first piece of leg­is­la­tion aimed at killing the source of the out­rage.

Al­ler­gan’s Mo­hawk gam­bit on the patent front is fast be­com­ing a text­book study in how to shoot your­self in the foot while at­tract­ing a large and un­sym­pa­thet­ic crowd.

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