Yvonne Greenstreet, Alnylam CEO

Up­dat­ed: Al­ny­lam scores OK for sec­ond-gen hAT­TR ther­a­py as the space heats up

The lat­est ri­val to Al­ny­lam’s drug for hered­i­tary transthyretin-me­di­at­ed (hAT­TR) amy­loi­do­sis is here — and it comes from Al­ny­lam it­self.

Four years af­ter the ground­break­ing ap­proval of On­pat­tro, the world’s first RNAi ther­a­py, the FDA has ap­proved vutrisir­an, Al­ny­lam’s next-gen­er­a­tion treat­ment for polyneu­ropa­thy of hAT­TR in adults. It will be mar­ket­ed as Amvut­tra.

Where­as On­pat­tro is ad­min­is­tered as an in­tra­venous in­jec­tion every three weeks, Amvut­tra is giv­en sub­cu­ta­neous­ly once every three months.

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