Al­ny­lam’s longer-term RNAi treat­ment low­ers blood pres­sure in mid-stage study

One to two dos­es of an RNA in­ter­fer­ence treat­ment de­vel­oped by Al­ny­lam Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals re­duced blood pres­sure for six months in a mid-stage clin­i­cal tri­al, ac­cord­ing to new re­search pre­sent­ed this week­end at a med­ical meet­ing.

Al­ny­lam’s goal is to de­vel­op the treat­ment, zilebe­sir­an, in­to an add-on or al­ter­na­tive to cur­rent blood pres­sure med­ica­tions, which are meant to be tak­en every day. The com­pa­ny pre­vi­ous­ly shared in Sep­tem­ber that the study had met its pri­ma­ry goal, and this week­end’s re­sults of­fered new de­tails.

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