Al­ny­lam’s RNAi ther­a­py pass­es sec­ond Phase 2 hy­per­ten­sion test, with third un­der­way: #ACC24

Al­ny­lam’s RNAi can­di­date suc­cess­ful­ly re­duced 24-hour sys­tolic blood pres­sure in pa­tients with un­con­trolled hy­per­ten­sion when added to stan­dard of care in a mid-stage tri­al, re­in­forc­ing plans for a Phase 3 that will start once a sep­a­rate, on­go­ing Phase 2 test is com­plet­ed.

The drug, dubbed zilebe­sir­an, in­hibits the syn­the­sis of an­giotensino­gen (AGT) in the liv­er. AGT is the most up­stream pre­cur­sor of the renin-an­giotensin-al­dos­terone sys­tem (RAAS) cas­cade, which plays a key role in blood pres­sure reg­u­la­tion, ac­cord­ing to an Al­ny­lam re­lease.

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