Al­ready miss­ing FDA's vo­cal com­mish? Scott Got­tlieb will keep chim­ing in on drug pric­ing in new role

As head of the FDA, Scott Got­tlieb has been out­spo­ken about drug pric­ing, chim­ing in on an area that is typ­i­cal­ly tan­gen­tial to the agency com­mis­sion­er’s purview. In the first an­nounce­ment of his next steps — made one day be­fore he’s sched­uled to of­fi­cial­ly end his short­er-than-ex­pect­ed tenure — Got­tlieb says he’s re­turn­ing to the Amer­i­can En­ter­prise In­sti­tute as a res­i­dent fel­low fo­cused on these ex­act is­sues.

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