Alzheon steps back from an IPO, fur­ther than ever from a PhI­II Alzheimer’s study

Alzheon won’t be prof­it­ing from an IPO soon.

The tiny biotech, which has been try­ing to fund a late-stage tri­al for a once-failed drug called ALZ-801 (tramiprosate), no­ti­fied in­vestors on Fri­day that they’re post­pon­ing the IPO they filed in search of about $70 mil­lion or $80 mil­lion, ac­cord­ing to an alert from Re­nais­sance Cap­i­tal.

We’ll have to wait and see if they try it again.

Alzheon’s tim­ing was bad. Its strat­e­gy in­volved get­ting an amy­loid be­ta drug that had failed at Bel­lus, then re­ly­ing on post hoc analy­sis to spot­light a suc­cess in a sub­set of pa­tients with two copies of the APOE4 gene and bet­ter tri­al de­sign to ar­gue they had a shot at win­ning the lot­tery in Alzheimer’s.

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