Amarin just rolled out a bat­tery of promis­ing new da­ta for Vas­cepa — brace your­self for the M&A chat­ter to come

Amarin hasn’t stopped as­ton­ish­ing an­a­lysts.

Five weeks af­ter the com­pa­ny of­fered a big thumbs-up to its 7-year RE­DUCE-IT car­dio study of Vas­cepa, with more than 8,000 pa­tients, re­searchers showed up at the an­nu­al sci­ence meet­ing of the AHA with a bat­tery of high­ly pos­i­tive re­sults for a slew of sec­ondary end­points.

But the lat­est, de­tailed up­date al­so raised a roy­al ruckus over the week­end over what ex­act­ly caused the pos­i­tive ef­fect, a sin­gle sig­nif­i­cant safe­ty da­ta point to con­sid­er and whether the com­pa­ny stacked the deck in its fa­vor with the min­er­al oil it used in the place­bo. And that has the com­pa­ny’s shares in the red ear­ly Mon­day.

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