Ameet Mallik, ADC Therapeutics CEO

Ameet Mallik wraps a $435M com­mer­cial deal short­ly af­ter tak­ing helm at ADC

Two months in as the new CEO of the Eu­ro­pean-based biotech ADC Ther­a­peu­tics, Ameet Mallik can take cred­it for a sub­stan­tial re­gion­al li­cens­ing pact cov­er­ing its first com­mer­cial ther­a­peu­tic.

Stock­holm-based So­bi has stepped up with $55 mil­lion in cash and an­oth­er $50 mil­lion wait­ing on the ta­ble for an ex­pect­ed Eu­ro­pean Com­mis­sion ap­proval of Zyn­lon­ta, ADC’s CD19-tar­get­ed an­ti­body-drug con­ju­gate, for dif­fuse large B-cell lym­phoma. So­bi is al­so an­te­ing up $330 mil­lion for mile­stones, in­clud­ing sales, as it gets the mar­ket­ing li­cense for the drug out­side the US, Chi­na, Japan and Sin­ga­pore.

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