Amer­i­can Bar As­so­ci­a­tion says low­er court was 'ill-equipped' to re­strict abor­tion pill use

The Amer­i­can Bar As­so­ci­a­tion joined the choir of in­dus­try groups, for­mer FDA of­fi­cials, mem­bers of Con­gress and oth­ers ask­ing the Supreme Court to keep re­vi­sions that have broad­ened ac­cess to a com­mon­ly used abor­tion pill.

While it’s not of­ten that the bar as­so­ci­a­tion com­ments on such cas­es, the group ar­gued Fri­day that the Fifth Cir­cuit Court of Ap­peals was “ill-equipped” to make a de­ci­sion that would tight­en reg­u­la­tions around mifepri­s­tone.

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