Am­gen, Al­ler­gan biosim­i­lar of Roche's block­buster Rit­ux­an clears an­oth­er US piv­otal study 

No­var­tis $NVS may have giv­en up, but Am­gen $AMGN and Al­ler­gan $AGN are plow­ing ahead with their knock­off of Roche’s block­buster bi­o­log­ic Rit­ux­an in the Unit­ed States.

Their copy­cat, ABP 798, was found to have a clin­i­cal­ly equiv­a­lent im­pact as Rit­ux­an — meet­ing the main goal of the study in­volv­ing CD20-pos­i­tive B-cell non-Hodgkin’s lym­phoma pa­tients. This is the sec­ond tri­al sup­port­ing the pro­file of the biosim­i­lar. In Jan­u­ary, it came through with pos­i­tive PK re­sults in pa­tients with rheuma­toid arthri­tis.

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