Am­gen, As­traZeneca speed to­ward fil­ing next-gen an­ti­body for asth­ma af­ter un­cork­ing full late-stage da­ta

On the hunt for a nov­el com­peti­tor to Sanofi and Re­gen­eron’s Dupix­ent in se­vere asth­ma, Am­gen and As­traZeneca post­ed “ex­cit­ing” re­sults from their next-gen an­ti­body late last year. Now, the part­ners are show­ing their hands, and the re­sults look good enough for ap­proval.

Am­gen and As­traZeneca’s teze­pelum­ab plus stan­dard of care cut the rate of se­vere asth­ma at­tacks by 56% at the one-year mark com­pared with SOC alone, ac­cord­ing to full da­ta from the Phase III NAV­I­GA­TOR study pre­sent­ed Fri­day at the vir­tu­al Amer­i­can Acad­e­my of Al­ler­gy, Asth­ma & Im­munol­o­gy meet­ing. And those sig­nif­i­cant re­sults were con­sis­tent re­gard­less of pa­tients’ base­line eosinophil counts.

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