Bob Bradway, Amgen CEO (Scott Eisen/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

Am­gen diss­es drug pric­ing bill, while amp­ing $4B rare drug com­pa­ny deal and up­com­ing Hu­mi­ra biosim launch

Add Am­gen CEO Bob Brad­way to the cho­rus of phar­ma CEOs lament­ing the pend­ing drug pric­ing leg­is­la­tion in the US Sen­ate.

“For some time, we’ve been ad­vo­cat­ing for re­forms that re­spect in­no­va­tion and pro­vide im­proved ac­cess to it. The pro­posed bill does nei­ther. The bill will im­pose price con­trols, and price con­trols will stymie in­no­va­tion … When it comes to in­no­va­tion and af­ford­abil­i­ty, this bill is a lose-lose for pa­tients,” Brad­way said in his open­ing re­marks dur­ing Am­gen’s Q2 earn­ings call on Thurs­day.

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