Late­com­er Am­gen takes 'plat­form ap­proach' in obe­si­ty as PhII da­ta loom

As Am­gen catch­es up with lead­ers in the bur­geon­ing obe­si­ty space, it’s un­der­scor­ing a “plat­form ap­proach” and shoot­ing for “broad op­tion­al­i­ty” in the de­sign of its Phase III.

Speak­ing at the Bank of Amer­i­ca Mer­rill Lynch Glob­al Health­care Con­fer­ence, Am­gen CFO Pe­ter Grif­fith spot­light­ed two of its obe­si­ty pro­grams: AMG 133, a Phase II pro­gram that’s been named maride­bart cafraglu­tide, or mari; and the Phase I can­di­date AMG 786. Mari is “en­rolling well,” he not­ed; the study is ten­ta­tive­ly set to read out in late 2024.

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