Paul Burton, new Amgen CMO

Am­gen taps Mod­er­na vet Paul Bur­ton as new CMO

Am­gen’s new CMO will come from the ranks of Mod­er­na, the com­pa­ny an­nounced Wednes­day.

Paul Bur­ton, who was CMO at Mod­er­na for near­ly two years, will join Am­gen on June 26, ac­cord­ing to an in­ter­nal memo shared with End­points News. Bur­ton joined Mod­er­na in 2021, re­plac­ing for­mer CMO Tal Zaks, who cashed out tens of mil­lions in stock be­fore his de­par­ture. Bur­ton’s ar­rival came sev­er­al months be­fore the com­pa­ny launched a mid-stage tri­al for its Omi­cron-spe­cif­ic boost­er vac­cine.

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