Amit Munshi, ReNAgade Therapeutics CEO

Amit Mun­shi has more than $300M and a start­up CSO out to pi­o­neer next-gen RNA ther­a­peu­tics. Once again, he’s think­ing big

Amit Mun­shi had to beg off when he was first in­tro­duced to the idea of run­ning an MPM BioIm­pact stealth play­er named Re­NA­gade Ther­a­peu­tics. He had just sold Are­na to Pfiz­er for $6.7 bil­lion — a deal that wrapped in the spring of last year — af­ter get­ting a lot of cred­it for turn­ing the biotech around. And he was a hot com­mod­i­ty.

But first, be­fore jump­ing back in­to the biotech forge of mak­ing new drugs, Mun­shi tells me, he want­ed to spend some time with his ag­ing par­ents in Hous­ton, and his wife had the same idea, which took them to Bangkok. Mun­shi calls it all part of life’s de­ferred main­te­nance.

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