Bold graphics and simple messages in Horizon's thyroid eye disease awareness campaign are striking a chord with patients.

An eye, 15 sec­onds and strik­ing an­i­ma­tion: How Hori­zon's thy­roid eye dis­ease cam­paign hit home with pa­tients

In Hori­zon Ther­a­peu­tics’ TV ads for thy­roid eye dis­ease aware­ness, a sin­gle an­i­mat­ed eye dom­i­nates the screen. Some­times the eye is red or blood­shot, while oth­er times, it’s wa­tery or pul­sat­ing. What the ads all have in com­mon, though, is that each one is bright, sim­ple, and, yes, eye-catch­ing.

The com­mer­cials do more than just grab scrolling view­ers’ at­ten­tion. The work has res­onat­ed broad­ly with peo­ple who have been di­ag­nosed with thy­roid eye dis­ease (TED), said Lib­by Wlo­chow­icz, Hori­zon se­nior di­rec­tor of con­sumer and pa­tient mar­ket­ing.

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