When treat­ing Alzheimer’s, ear­li­er is bet­ter, ac­cord­ing to analy­sis of Lil­ly and Ei­sai tri­als

The drug­mak­ers be­hind the new class of Alzheimer’s treat­ments are co­a­lesc­ing around a com­mon nar­ra­tive: When it comes to slow­ing the dis­ease, the ear­li­er a pa­tient is treat­ed, the bet­ter.

Ei­sai and Eli Lil­ly each took to the stage of the sold-out Clin­i­cal Tri­als on Alzheimer’s Dis­ease con­fer­ence in Boston on Wednes­day with cuts of da­ta from their large piv­otal stud­ies look­ing at how sub­sets of pa­tients in the tri­al re­spond­ed to treat­ment.

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