Analy­sis: In most of the Big Phar­ma world, R&D spend­ing tow­ers over rev­enue from new drugs. Guess who beat the odds

Biotech Voices is a collection of exclusive opinion editorials from some of the leading voices in biopharma on the biggest industry questions today.

It’s al­ways been the case that there’s no med­i­cine less use­ful than one that doesn’t make it to pa­tients (un­less you re­gard the task of R&D to be per­pet­u­al­ly learn­ing about swim­ming, while un­der wa­ter…). Yet, launch­ing new med­i­cines that physi­cians want, that pay­ers will cov­er, and that pa­tients will take, is a dis­ci­pline that is un­even­ly dis­trib­uted among the big play­ers.

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