Analy­sis: Pfiz­er tal­lies an im­pres­sive ar­ray of late-stage cat­a­lysts for can­cer, gene ther­a­pies and more

Pfiz­er ex­ecs ran through their 2018 late-stage pipeline plan on Tues­day, high­light­ing the key cat­a­lysts that await dur­ing their Q4 call with an­a­lysts. And can­cer drugs fig­ured promi­nent­ly in the dis­cus­sion.

We won’t have long to wait be­fore the news gets start­ed.

First up, the Phase III PROS­PER da­ta for Xtan­di, which is po­si­tion­ing it­self against J&J’s next-gen drug for Zyti­ga. Pfiz­er and its part­ners at Astel­las are anx­ious to get the FDA re­view un­der­way for non­metasta­t­ic prostate can­cer, which could add con­sid­er­ably to its fran­chise val­ue as gener­ics start to slice and dice the mar­ket for J&J’s ri­val ther­a­py Zyti­ga. J&J has a next-gen drug in late-stage de­vel­op­ment for non­metasta­t­ic prostate can­cer which is cru­cial to its near-term abil­i­ty to com­pete with Pfiz­er.

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