An­a­lysts spot­light the win­ners — and losers — on AS­CO pre­view night

AS­CO 2019 got start­ed with a bang on Wednes­day night as a hand­ful of biotechs co­or­di­nat­ed a se­ries of ab­stract drops and state­ments up­dat­ing an­a­lysts and in­ves­ti­ga­tors on their da­ta for some close­ly watched drugs. The big news still awaits us in Chica­go, but some ear­ly snap­shots on re­sults have whipped up some fer­vor for — and against — some of the biotechs mak­ing the trip.

Macro­Gen­ics emerges as the star of the ab­stract show

One of the big win­ners was Macro­Gen­ics  $MGNX,  which up­dat­ed the on­col­o­gy world on mar­ge­tux­imab, its Fc en­gi­neered an­ti-HER2 an­ti­body for breast can­cer. The ab­stract and a re­lease not­ed a par­tic­u­lar suc­cess for a sub­set of pa­tients, though it’s a very, very big sub­set.

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