Anap­tys­Bio gives in­vestors a rash as its big bet on eczema fails, sink­ing stock

When it comes to atopic der­mati­tis, Dupix­ent is king. Anap­tys­Bio has now of­fi­cial­ly tried and failed to usurp the throne, con­ced­ing its lead drug failed a tri­al in pa­tients with the chron­ic in­flam­ma­to­ry skin con­di­tion.

Re­gen­eron and Sanofi’s block­buster Dupix­ent, known chem­i­cal­ly as dupilum­ab, was the first bi­o­log­ic to win ap­proval for mod­er­ate-to-se­vere AD, in pa­tients who can­not tol­er­ate or do not ad­e­quate­ly ben­e­fit from top­i­cal pre­scrip­tion ther­a­pies. The mar­ket for AD, which is es­ti­mat­ed to af­fect some 24 mil­lion Amer­i­cans, is ex­pect­ed to hit $18.3 bil­lion by 2027, ac­cord­ing to Glob­al­Da­ta.

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