Daniel Faga, AnaptysBio CEO

Anap­tys­Bio touts PhI­II win in a rare form of pso­ri­a­sis. But it does­n't plan on keep­ing the drug

Anap­tys­Bio’s an­ti­body for a rare form of pso­ri­a­sis passed a Phase III study, but it’s still get­ting the boot, the com­pa­ny an­nounced on Mon­day.

Af­ter fail­ing pre­vi­ous tri­als in se­vere pal­mo­plan­tar pus­tu­lo­sis, ac­ne and hidradeni­tis sup­pu­ra­ti­va, Anap­tys­Bio an­nounced plans last year to out-li­cense its IL-36R-block­ing an­ti­body im­si­dolimab. How­ev­er, the can­di­date notched a win this week in gen­er­al­ized pus­tu­lar pso­ri­a­sis (GPP), an au­toin­flam­ma­to­ry dis­ease char­ac­ter­ized by sud­den flares of painful pus-filled blis­ters. Left un­treat­ed, flare-ups can al­so lead to life-threat­en­ing com­pli­ca­tions such as drops in blood pres­sure.

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