An­oth­er biotech games the sys­tem, and every­one gets to pay for the fall­out

End­points as­sess­es the big bio­phar­ma R&D sto­ries of the week, with a lit­tle added com­men­tary on what they mean for the in­dus­try.

The FDA got played – again

As I write, our sto­ry on Marathon and its old, cheap steroid — de­flaza­cort — that it steered to an FDA ap­proval yes­ter­day is gain­ing some se­ri­ous trac­tion on so­cial me­dia out­lets like Red­dit. That’s where the on­line mob formed for Mar­tin Shkre­li, af­ter word spread that he and Tur­ing had hiked the price of Dara­prim for HIV users by 5000%-plus. And it’s where you can feel the vis­cer­al pub­lic anger that’s been build­ing over drug prices.

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