An­oth­er Flag­ship-found­ed biotech shut­ters as Ax­cel­la liq­ui­dates, end­ing long Covid plans

An­oth­er Flag­ship Pi­o­neer­ing-found­ed biotech will shut­ter, as 12-year-old Ax­cel­la dis­closed that its stock­hold­ers over­whelm­ing­ly ap­proved its dis­so­lu­tion and liq­ui­da­tion on Mon­day, per an SEC fil­ing.

The move comes as lit­tle sur­prise as the Boston-area biotech let go of near­ly all em­ploy­ees and sought strate­gic al­ter­na­tives 12 months ago. In Jan­u­ary of 2023, Ax­cel­la had still tried to move for­ward with late-stage test­ing of a treat­ment can­di­date for long Covid, which had failed an ear­li­er tri­al and was pre­vi­ous­ly in­ves­ti­gat­ed for the fat­ty liv­er dis­ease known as non­al­co­holic steato­hep­ati­tis, or NASH. But to push for­ward, it would need fund­ing and ex­ter­nal help, which nev­er came its way.

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