An­oth­er in­flu­en­tial voice takes Bris­tol-My­ers’ top ex­ecs to task as they scram­ble to shore up the big Cel­gene buy­out

Brad Lon­car is not a big fan of the ex­ec­u­tive teams at ei­ther Bris­tol-My­ers Squibb or Cel­gene.

To­day, as Bris­tol-My­ers scram­bled to win in­vestors’ back­ing, the Lon­car Can­cer Im­munother­a­py ETF out­lined why it would line up with the grow­ing — though still mar­gin­al — op­po­si­tion that has gath­ered around the mega-buy­out since Welling­ton, with 8% of Bris­tol’s shares, said it would be vot­ing against the deal. Lon­car joins the ac­tivists at Star­board Val­ue who have plant­ed their flag with the re­bel­lion.

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