A slice of half-baked remde­sivir da­ta takes a dark turn — but we're still wait­ing for a de­fin­i­tive study

We have an­oth­er fuzzy snap­shot of clin­i­cal tri­al da­ta on Gilead’s remde­sivir in coro­n­avirus pa­tients, and at first glance this one looks bleak for the most ad­vanced ther­a­py now in the clin­ic for Covid-19.

The Fi­nan­cial Times and STAT both re­port­ed on an ab­stract of the Chi­nese study, this one us­ing a con­trol group that ap­peared tem­porar­i­ly on the WHO site af­ter it was post­ed ac­ci­den­tal­ly. It’s still not been peer re­viewed, but Sal­im Syed at Mizuho sum­ma­rized the num­bers:

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