Franz-Werner Haas, LimmaTech CEO (Sebastian Gollnow/picture-alliance/dpa/AP Images)

An­timi­cro­bial re­sis­tance biotech se­cures $37M with ex-Cure­Vac CEO Franz-Wern­er Haas at the helm

Three months in­to his role at the helm of GSK’s bac­te­r­i­al in­fec­tion spin­out Lim­maT­e­ch, Cure­Vac vet­er­an Franz-Wern­er Haas is fo­cused on scal­ing the com­pa­ny. And now he has an ex­tra $37 mil­lion to work with.

Lim­maT­e­ch an­nounced the fi­nanc­ing round ear­ly Mon­day morn­ing, led by Ad­ju­vant Cap­i­tal, AXA IM Alts and the No­vo Hold­ings RE­PAIR Im­pact Fund. Lim­maT­e­ch was found­ed in 2015, and clos­ing a Se­ries A sev­en years in­to a com­pa­ny’s life is “a bit ab­nor­mal,” Haas con­ced­ed. But the mon­ey will come in handy as the biotech looks to chart its own path out­side a re­search col­lab­o­ra­tion with GSK.

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