Tillman Gerngross, Adagio Therapeutics CEO

An­ti­body leg­end Till­man Gern­gross is el­bow­ing his way in­to the Covid-19 R&D cru­sade: 'I don’t see this end­ing any­time soon'

One of the most in­flu­en­tial — and out­spo­ken — sci­en­tists at work in the field of an­ti­body dis­cov­ery is jump­ing in­to the fren­zied race to cre­ate new ther­a­peu­tics to treat and pre­vent Covid-19. And he’s op­er­at­ing with the con­vic­tion that the cur­rent out­break now once again spread­ing like wild­fire will cre­ate plen­ty of de­mand for what he has in mind.

Dart­mouth pro­fes­sor and Adimab CEO Till­man Gern­gross tells me he’s raised $50 mil­lion from a group of close VCs to spin out a new com­pa­ny — Ada­gio Ther­a­peu­tics — with a full C-suite team as­sem­bled to hire up a staff and keep rolling to­ward the clin­ic.

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