Travis Murdoch, HI-Bio CEO

ARCH-backed im­munol­o­gy com­pa­ny HI-Bio rais­es $95M as it push­es to­ward late-stage stud­ies

Hu­man Im­munol­o­gy Bio­sciences, known as HI-Bio for short, has raised $95 mil­lion as it awaits da­ta from a se­ries of stud­ies on its lead com­pound, an an­ti­body that tar­gets a white blood cell sur­face pro­tein called CD38.

The biotech plans to use the mon­ey to fund its on­go­ing stud­ies of the an­ti-CD38 an­ti­body felzartam­ab, which it li­censed from Mor­phoSys in 2022. In April, the biotech tout­ed ear­ly da­ta in a rare kid­ney dis­ease called pri­ma­ry mem­bra­nous nephropa­thy, or PMN, that sug­gest­ed its drug can­di­date re­duced the lev­el of bad, self-at­tack­ing an­ti­bod­ies as­so­ci­at­ed with the dis­ease.

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