Backed with $180M-plus in cash, I/O trail­blaz­er Lieping Chen spot­lights NextCure's pre­clin­i­cal work on next-gen an­ti­body

Right on the heels of nail­ing a $40 mil­lion up­front for its on­col­o­gy R&D col­lab­o­ra­tion deal with Eli Lil­ly and bring­ing its tal­ly of cash raised to $180 mil­lion with an am­bi­tious ven­ture round, Yale spin­out NextCure has laid the sci­en­tif­ic foun­da­tion for the im­muno-on­col­o­gy com­pa­ny in a new pre­clin­i­cal study just pub­lished in Na­ture Med­i­cine.

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