Steve Butts, Arrivo BioVentures CEO

Ar­ri­vo bags $45M Se­ries B to fund ma­jor de­pres­sion late-stage test and PhII-ready pan­cre­ati­tis as­set

Ar­ri­vo BioVen­tures has closed an over­sub­scribed $45.25 mil­lion Se­ries B fundraise with an eye to progress its pipeline through the next stage of tri­als, in­clud­ing a ma­jor de­pres­sive dis­or­der (MDD) treat­ment ready for Phase IIb/III in­ves­ti­ga­tion.

The new round brings Mor­risville, NC-based Ar­ri­vo’s to­tal funds raised to date to $100 mil­lion. The Se­ries B comes sev­en and a half years af­ter Ar­ri­vo com­plet­ed its Se­ries A raise of $49 mil­lion.

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