Christopher Anzalone, Arrowhead CEO

Ar­row­head rocked by an­i­mal tox is­sues again, hit­ting the pause but­ton on RNAi study in cys­tic fi­bro­sis

Ar­row­head Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals faced a reck­on­ing back in 2016 when it was forced to scrap its en­tire clin­i­cal pipeline af­ter re­port­ing deaths in a non-hu­man pri­mate tox­i­col­o­gy study. Now, years lat­er and with a dif­fer­ent de­liv­ery ve­hi­cle for its RNAi drugs, Ar­row­head faces an­i­mal tox is­sues again in what could be an­oth­er piv­otal set­back for its pipeline.

Ar­row­head has paused its Phase I/II tri­al of RNAi cys­tic fi­bro­sis drug ARO-ENaC af­ter a con­cur­rent chron­ic tox­i­col­o­gy study in rats turned up trou­bling lung in­flam­ma­tion sig­nals, the biotech said.

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