As an­oth­er an­tibi­otics biotech sinks in­to a cri­sis, warn­ings of a sec­tor ‘col­lapse’

An­oth­er an­tibi­otics com­pa­ny is scram­bling to sur­vive to­day, forc­ing the com­pa­ny’s found­ing CEO to ex­it in a re­or­ga­ni­za­tion that elim­i­nates its re­search ca­pa­bil­i­ties as the sur­vivors look to im­prove on mi­nus­cule sales of their new­ly ap­proved treat­ment. And the news — on top of an alarm­ing se­ries of fail­ures — spurred at least one fig­ure in the field to warn of a loom­ing col­lapse of the an­timi­cro­bial re­sis­tance re­search field.

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