As #AS­CO19 looms, a top an­a­lyst show­ers some love — and block­buster sta­tus — on Am­gen's KRAS killer

Am­gen is feel­ing the love this morn­ing.

Ge­of­frey Porges, a top biotech an­a­lyst at SVB Leerink known for his hard-hit­ting style, is putting the spot­light on their KRAS drug AMG510, pro­ject­ing a peak sales po­ten­tial of $2.3 bil­lion while ad­vis­ing Am­gen to keep this one for the home team.

With AS­CO loom­ing this week­end, there’s been a grow­ing fo­cus on KRAS, one of the tough­est tar­gets in on­col­o­gy R&D. Am­gen is a leader among a group of de­vel­op­ers who have found a toe­hold on KRAS: G12C. And Porges be­lieves that Am­gen has a rea­son­able shot at mak­ing a drug that can con­ceiv­ably work in lung, col­orec­tal, pan­cre­at­ic, and uter­ine can­cer — which qual­i­fies as a po­ten­tial mar­ket mas­ter worth bil­lions in sales.

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