Andrew Allen (Gritstone)

As coro­n­avirus vari­ants trig­ger new alarms, the NIH is putting an un­der-the-radar ‘next-gen’ vac­cine in­to PhI

Over the past year, the world has been trans­fixed by the de­vel­op­ment of new vac­cines to fight SARS-CoV-2. In a fren­zy of ac­tiv­i­ty, the new mR­NA ap­proach has de­liv­ered pi­o­neer­ing emer­gency ap­provals in record time. And with some set­backs, the more tra­di­tion­al big play­ers are com­ing along with added jabs as the most af­flu­ent na­tions in the world be­gin to vac­ci­nate large por­tions of their pop­u­la­tions.

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