As CRISPR hori­zons cloud, a start­up fo­cus­es on the next big thing with pow­er­house po­ten­tial — the RNA edit­ing plat­form

Over the last few years, as CRISPR/Cas9 gene edit­ing tech be­came the AK47 of aca­d­e­m­ic labs — a handy, pow­er­ful weapon that could be point­ed at mul­ti­ple tar­gets — there has been a grow­ing cho­rus of skep­tics point­ing to what they see as se­vere lim­i­ta­tions to the tech­nol­o­gy. And grad­u­al­ly, some of the lead­ers in the field be­gan to move to re­fine­ments aimed at whisk­ing away the fret­ful doubts that had be­gun to nag at the pi­o­neers.

But while su­per­star sci­en­tists like Feng Zhang were work­ing on CRISPR 2.0, a small band of sci­en­tists has been hatch­ing their own plans around cre­at­ing a whole new branch of the dis­ease edit­ing field — RNA edit­ing. And the sec­ond start­up in 3 months is now pop­ping up to take its place in what it hopes will be a van­guard plat­form tech that can go places in vi­vo where CRISPR may be off lim­its.

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