As links to MS deep­en, re­searchers ac­cel­er­ate ef­forts to de­vel­op an Ep­stein-Barr vac­cine

Maybe you’ve nev­er heard of the Ep­stein-Barr virus. But it knows all about you.

Chances are, it’s liv­ing in­side you right now. About 95% of Amer­i­can adults are in­fect­ed some­time in their lives. And once in­fect­ed, the virus stays with you.

Most virus­es, such as in­fluen­za, just come and go. A healthy im­mune sys­tem at­tacks them, kills them, and pre­vents them from sick­en­ing you again. Ep­stein-Barr and its cousins, in­clud­ing the virus­es that cause chick­en­pox and her­pes, can hi­ber­nate in­side your cells for decades.

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