As Nas­daq en­rolls the fi­nal batch of 2019 IPOs, how have the num­bers com­pared to past years?

IGM Bio­sciences’ up­sized IPO haul, com­ing af­ter Spring­Works’ siz­able pub­lic de­but, has revved up some mo­men­tum for the last rush of biotech IPOs in 2019.

With 39 new list­ings on the books and rough­ly two more months to go be­fore wind­ing down, Nas­daq’s head of health­care list­ings Jor­dan Saxe sees the ex­change mark­ing 50 to 60 bio­phar­ma IPOs for the year.

“De­cem­ber 15 is usu­al­ly the last pos­si­ble day that com­pa­nies will price,” he said, as com­pa­nies get ready for busi­ness talks at the an­nu­al JP Mor­gan Health­care Con­fer­ence in Jan­u­ary.

That won’t come close to the record-set­ting num­bers last year — the gov­ern­ment shut­down at the be­gin­ning of the year was part­ly to blame — but it’s good enough to be at least on par with the few years be­fore.

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