As Nasdaq enrolls the final batch of 2019 IPOs, how have the numbers compared to past years?
IGM Biosciences’ upsized IPO haul, coming after SpringWorks’ sizable public debut, has revved up some momentum for the last rush of biotech IPOs in 2019.
With 39 new listings on the books and roughly two more months to go before winding down, Nasdaq’s head of healthcare listings Jordan Saxe sees the exchange marking 50 to 60 biopharma IPOs for the year.
“December 15 is usually the last possible day that companies will price,” he said, as companies get ready for business talks at the annual JP Morgan Healthcare Conference in January.
That won’t come close to the record-setting numbers last year — the government shutdown at the beginning of the year was partly to blame — but it’s good enough to be at least on par with the few years before.
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