Rahul Ballal, Imara

As sick­le cell pa­tients find new op­tions, NEA-found­ed Imara pitch­es mid-stage al­ter­na­tive for $86M IPO

No­vem­ber 2019 proved to be a fruit­ful month for pa­tients with blood dis­or­ders known as he­mo­glo­binopathies. With­in days, the FDA ush­ered two drugs for sick­le cell dis­ease and an­oth­er for be­ta tha­lassemia to the mar­ket — liven­ing up a bar­ren field.

Imara, a rel­a­tive­ly young plow­er, is rid­ing on that en­thu­si­asm as it shoots for an $86.25 mil­lion IPO.

Imara emerged from New En­ter­prise As­so­ciates’ or­phan drug ac­cel­er­a­tor Cy­dan in 2016 as a sin­gle-prod­uct com­pa­ny. $77.3 mil­lion in pri­vate fi­nanc­ing lat­er IMR-687 re­mains the sole as­set in its pipeline; the dif­fer­ence is the drug is now in Phase II for sick­le cell dis­ease, with topline da­ta slat­ed for lat­er this year and two oth­er mid-stage be­ta tha­lassemia stud­ies lined up.

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