#AS­CO19: Clay Sie­gall is ready to take a big leap for­ward as Seat­tle Ge­net­ics’ next top drug prospect steps on­to cen­ter stage at AS­CO

CHICA­GO — Clay Sie­gall is com­ing up to a fin­ish line he’s been walk­ing, run­ning and crawl­ing to­ward — in stages, as re­quired — for the past 21 years, ever since he found­ed Seat­tle Ge­net­ics.

This morn­ing he re­vealed more about the piv­otal-stage an­ti­body drug con­ju­gate he and Aya Jakobovits put to­geth­er when she was CSO at Agen­sys. Now part­nered with Astel­las, which bought out the biotech in 2007 and stepped in­to the shoes of a 50-50 part­ner­ship, his com­pa­ny is steer­ing in­to what could shape up as a quick re­view for a drug bound for pa­tients with no ap­proved op­tions left — with a break­through drug des­ig­na­tion to its cred­it to help keep things on the fast track at an FDA that has be­come ex­pert at this.

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