#AS­CO19 roundup: As­traZeneca, Mer­ck score an­oth­er Lyn­parza hit

CHICA­GO — Lyn­parza con­tin­ues to be the big can­cer drug suc­cess sto­ry that As­traZeneca CEO Pas­cal So­ri­ot so bad­ly needs. 

On Sun­day, the phar­ma gi­ant — along with their part­ners at Mer­ck — re­leased new da­ta demon­strat­ing that their lead­ing PARP in­hibitor spurred a sig­nif­i­cant in­crease in pro­gres­sion-free sur­vival among BR­CA-mu­tat­ed pan­cre­at­ic can­cer pa­tients when used as a front­line main­te­nance ther­a­py.

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