#AS­CO19: Sanofi sets the stage for a late ar­rival of their mul­ti­ple myelo­ma drug isat­ux­imab — with J&J and Gen­mab lay­ing in wait

CHICA­GO — Phar­ma gi­ant Sanofi is mak­ing a rare ap­pear­ance in the front ranks of the news­mak­ers at AS­CO this year with the de­tails on their Phase III suc­cess sto­ry for their mul­ti­ple myelo­ma drug isat­ux­imab.

We al­ready knew that the da­ta were in their fa­vor. But we didn’t know the ac­tu­al re­sults, which set the stage for a like­ly near-term ap­proval in the US and Eu­rope, where reg­u­la­tors have field­ed their ap­pli­ca­tions for a first OK.

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