AS­CO ab­stracts are out, with da­ta for AD­Cs, Nim­bus' next-gen I/O drug and more

Ab­stracts for the Amer­i­can So­ci­ety of Clin­i­cal On­col­o­gy are out, with new da­ta from Pfiz­er’s ADC, Nim­bus Ther­a­peu­tics’ im­muno-on­col­o­gy drug, Nu­va­tion Bio’s ROS1 in­hibitor and new da­ta from J&J in prostate can­cer.

  • Af­ter $4B Take­da deal, Nim­bus lays out ‘grand’ hopes for its next-gen im­munother­a­py drug: The com­pa­ny re­leased up­dat­ed da­ta for NDI-101150, the biotech’s sole clin­i­cal-stage drug be­ing test­ed in can­cer pa­tients with ad­vanced sol­id tu­mors (LINK)
  • Mer­ck, Kelun trum­pet ADC’s Phase 3 breast can­cer da­ta: The an­ti-TROP2 re­duced pa­tients’ risk of dis­ease pro­gres­sion or death by 69% com­pared to chemother­a­py (LINK)
  • Nu­va­tion Bio shares piv­otal Chi­na da­ta for can­cer drug from An­Heart buy­out: The US-Chi­na biotech show­cased longer-term Phase 2 da­ta around the next-gen ROS1 in­hibitor it hopes will give Pfiz­er and Bris­tol My­ers Squibb a run for their mon­ey (LINK)
  • Pfiz­er’s ADC da­ta that con­vinced it to start a Phase 3 lung can­cer tri­al: The drug­mak­er re­leased up­dat­ed da­ta for the drug it ac­quired through its $43 bil­lion deal with Seagen that closed last year (LINK)
  • J&J plans for capped, flex­i­ble dos­ing af­ter four pa­tient deaths in ear­ly study of ac­tini­um prostate can­cer drug: An ex­per­i­men­tal prostate can­cer drug de­vel­oped by John­son & John­son that us­es a rare ra­dioac­tive par­ti­cle called ac­tini­um-225 led to three pa­tients see­ing their tu­mors shrink sub­stan­tial­ly, but four pa­tient deaths over­all (LINK)

AS­CO will of­fi­cial­ly be­gin on May 31, with late-break­ing da­ta be­ing pre­sent­ed over the week­end. To sign up for End­points News‘ vir­tu­al re­cap and an in­ter­view with Na­tion­al Can­cer In­sti­tute Di­rec­tor Kim­ryn Rath­mell, click here.