ASH: Af­ter a pi­lot study of­fers a glimpse of hope for Tes­sa's CD30-tar­get­ing CAR-T, ex­ecs sprint to­ward a piv­otal tri­al

CAR-Ts tar­get­ing CD19 — like Yescar­ta, Kym­ri­ah and the re­cent­ly ap­proved Breyanzi — have shift­ed the par­a­digm for the treat­ment of B cell lym­phoma, ac­cord­ing to Sairah Ahmed, a long­time re­searcher in the field. Now, as prin­ci­pal in­ves­ti­ga­tor, she’s lead­ing ef­forts to see if Tes­sa Ther­a­peu­tics’ CD30-tar­get­ing CAR-T can do the same for pa­tients with clas­si­cal Hodgkin lym­phoma (cHL).

More than half of the pa­tients who took Tes­sa’s can­di­date TT11 in the pi­lot stage of a Phase II study saw their can­cer dis­ap­pear, the com­pa­ny said at this year’s ASH con­fer­ence. Of 15 heav­i­ly pre-treat­ed pa­tients with re­lapsed or re­frac­to­ry CD30-pos­i­tive cHL, 11 saw dis­ease con­trol at the da­ta cut off, in­clud­ing eight com­plete re­spons­es, two par­tial re­spons­es and one case of sta­ble dis­ease, ac­cord­ing to re­searchers.

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