#ASH18: Ac­celeron and Cel­gene take cen­ter stage with a pair of PhI­I­Is for lus­pa­ter­cept they be­lieve will back up $2B-plus in rev­enue pro­jec­tions

Ever since Ac­celeron and its needy part­ners at Cel­gene tout­ed pos­i­tive Phase III top-line re­sults for lus­pa­ter­cept for pa­tients suf­fer­ing from myelodys­plas­tic syn­drome as well as be­ta tha­lassemia, an­a­lysts have been try­ing to fig­ure out just how good the num­bers need to be in or­der to live up to the com­pa­nies’ es­ti­mates this drug will de­liv­er $2 bil­lion-plus in peak sales.

So you bet­ter be­lieve that their ap­pear­ance in the show­case ple­nary ses­sion at ASH on Sat­ur­day was keep­ing plen­ty of peo­ple on their toes.

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